liberating technologies造句
- Liberate Technologies, San Carlos, Calif ., 8.5 million shares.
- In 2015, College Park acquired Liberating Technologies, Inc ., an upper-limb prosthetics company.
- Among them are Intuit, a financial software provider, and Liberate Technologies, which provides interactive TV software.
- Two Microsoft competitors, software firms Red Hat and Liberate Technologies, sent executives to testify before the committee.
- In 1997, he founded MoreCom, a software networking company which was sold to Liberate Technologies in 2000.
- OpenTV Inc . and Liberate Technologies Inc . have become leaders in creating interactive TV software platforms, Snowden said.
- Insight customers have Motorola set-top boxes with 6.8 megabytes of RAM running software from Liberate Technologies.
- Microsoft faces competition from rival systems developed by Liberate Technologies Inc . and OpenTV Corp ., both based in California.
- The No . 1 company this summer was Liberate Technologies, an Oracle offshoot that makes software for set-top boxes.
- Much of the gain reflected the accounting for Oracle's investment in Liberate Technologies, a software vendor to the cable television industry.
- It's difficult to see liberating technologies in a sentence. 用liberating technologies造句挺难的
- The deal is with Liberate Technologies, a software developer based in San Carlos, Calif ., that makes a product called the Liberate Navigator.
- "Both parties are saying the same things, " said Kertzman, now chief executive of Liberate Technologies Inc . in San Carlos, Calif.
- The states have several witnesses, including executives from Novell, Palm, telephone giant SBC Communications and Liberate Technologies, which makes software for interactive television boxes.
- If anyone has deserved to be called Mr . Interactive Television in recent years, it has probably been Mitchell E . Kertzman, chief executive of Liberate Technologies.
- Mitchell Kertzman, head of the interactive television software company Liberate Technologies, urged U . S . District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to focus on financial penalties.
- Mitchell Kertzman of Liberate Technologies testified Tuesday that remedies nine states are seeking would keep Microsoft from adopting open technology standards and making them proprietary, potentially freezing out competitors.
- In an April 3 story about Microsoft antitrust proceedings, The Associated Press erroneously suggested that Liberate Technologies CEO Mitchell Kertzman opposed business restrictions on Microsoft recommended by nine states.
- Liberate Technologies CEO Mitchell Kertzman, whose 600-person San Carlos, Calif . company competes against Microsoft in the interactive television market, had mixed reactions to the decision.
- UPC is now testing the software along with a rival system from San Carlos, Calif .-based Liberate Technologies Inc . UPC declined to provide details of its tests.
- That software, said Baumgartner, is being developed by Microsoft as well as competitors Liberate Technologies of San Carlos, Calif ., and WorldGate Communications of Trevose, Pa.
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